I'm writing this from Melbourne International Airport - I scouted the departure lounge until I found the only seat with a powerpoint, and hooked in my iPhone tethering to use up my data allocation for the very last time in Australia. I love mobile internet.
The last few days have been fairly hectic - catching up with all of Stephen's friends and family in Melbourne while trying to wash everything we owned. It's pretty hard being homeless before you travel - you can't just leave your dirty clothes at home and wash them when you get back because everything has to come with you. There was the long-awaited Melbourne Parma (Chicken Parmigiana - apparently a local pub speciality) which was just as delicious as promised, and a few beers in cosy Melbourne bars. We also visited Stephen's brother's family and waved goodbye to Stephen's nephew Eli who is about to turn 2 - strange to think that he'll probably be nearly 4 by the time we're back.
After culling a lot of stuff, our bags were finally packed - mine are the two blue ones in the photo. Somewhat amusingly, the small bag weighs more than the big one - must be the laptop, Kindle, DS and book, plus all of their associated chargers...
And now I'm sitting at the airport - I spent my last few Aussie dollars on Nandos for lunch and some Fantales and bottled water for the plane - now it's almost boarding time. It's 24 hours of flying to St Petersburg from here plus transfer time - our first flight is 10 hours from Melbourne to Bangkok, with an hour and bit to wait before our 12 hour second flight from Bangkok to Vienna. Then it's a 5 hour gap before the short 2 hour hop from Vienna to St Petersburg. 30 hours all up - wish us luck!
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