Sunday, December 5, 2010

Welcome to the family Jax/Knut!

We've just come back from a Toronto Shiba Inu Group meet-up where we adopted our new dog :)  He's a 4 year old cream Shiba Inu, which is a Japanese breed of dog.  He was given up to the local Shiba Inu Rescue organisation when his owners had kids and didn't have any time to spend with him anymore.  He's a bit overweight at the moment - a lot of sitting around and eating and no exercise - but we'll be fixing that quick smart!

His name is currently Jax, but we're hoping that we can change it to Knut (like the polar bear).  Apparently the name Jax came from a soap opera, so you can see why we're not too keen on it.

As you can see, his coat is mostly white with a bit of red in it.  

He's a bit nervous at the moment, but hopefully he'll get sorted pretty quickly.  Someone has put a lot of time and effort into training him - he's really good on the leash and the minute you correct something he learns fast, so hopefully we can take advantage of all of that hard work.  We're being pretty strict with him at the moment - we've been reading about how we make sure that he sees us as the pack leaders so that he behaves, so I'm making sure that he does what we say when we say it.  We can ease up a little once he realises who's boss :)

I think tomorrow will be a bit of a shock for him - he's coming to the gym with me, so that's a 5.2km round trip walk first thing in the morning after no walks in at least a year.  The rescue organiser said "an exhausted dog is a good dog", so here's to exhaustion :)


  1. We second the notion of an exhausted dog being a good dog!

  2. Will you be on adjacent treadmills ??? Dad

  3. Har har. The plan is to get him to sit outside the gym while I'm inside (where I can see him). I think 20 minutes waiting outside should be fine (although probably not in winter). That way he gets an extra 5km of walks a day.
