Tuesday, August 7, 2007

ascian's travels: an introduction

On the 16th of September I leave the sunny shores of Sydney for an eight week siesta in Europe. I'm hoping to record my travels and the random preparations for them here, in case people don't have enough distractions in their daily lives already.

The map to the left shows the path I'm currently planning to take. It's not set in stone, and nothing's booked yet with the exception of a flight from Stockholm to Berlin (long way to travel otherwise)... and that trip north from Stockholm, which I'm really excited about. It's a flight to a town called Kiruna, which is the northernmost town in Sweden, and as you can see, north of the Arctic Circle - obviously the idea is to see the Northern Lights (and some reindeer!). I'll be there for two nights, hopefully it is clear enough on at least one of them.

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